Using a Spark Arrestor
The California Public Resources Code, section 4442.5 provides
as follows:
No person shall sell, offer for sale, lease, or rent to any
person any internal combustion engine subject to Section 4442 or 4443,
and not subject to Section 13005 of the Health and Safety Code, unless
the person provides a written notice to the purchaser or bailee, at
the time of sale or at the time of entering into the lease or rental
contract, stating that it is a violation of Section 4442 or 4443 to
use or operate the engine on any forest-covered, brush-covered, or
grass-covered land unless the engine is equipped with a spark arrestor,
as defined in Section 4442, maintained in effective working order
or the engine is constructed, equipped, and maintained for the prevention
of fire pursuant to Section 4443. Cal. Pub. Res. Code 4442.5.
Other states or jurisdictions may have similar laws. A spark
arrestor for your machine may be available from your authorized dealer.
An installed spark arrestor must be maintained in good working order
by the operator.