Servicing Your Machine
IMPORTANT: Avoid damage! Operating in extreme conditions may
require more frequent service intervals:
Engine components may become dirty or plugged when operating
in extreme heat, dust or other severe conditions.
Engine oil can degrade if machine is operated constantly at
slow or low engine speeds or for frequent short periods of time.
IMPORTANT: Avoid damage! High-pressure washing can cause damage
to machine components. It is recommended that your vehicle be washed
by hand or with a garden hose using mild soap. Avoid spraying
water with any great force near or into the following places:
Air intake
Electrical connections (including battery compartment)
Wheel bearings
Radiator (if equipped)
Warning labels
Other labels
Ignition switch
Instrument panel (gauges and switches)
Breather/tube vents
Mower spindles
Mower idler bearings
Transmission cooling fans
Please use the following timetables to perform routine maintenance
on your machine.
Park the vehicle safely. (See Park Safely in the SAFETY Section.)