Unfolding Front-Fold Boom

causym CAUTION: Boom can suddenly move causing serious injury or death to you or others. Verify all persons are away from machine before unfolding boom. Verify boom can not come in contact with power lines.

1. Start engine. Depress top of raise/lower switch (A) to raise boom out of the boom rests.

A-Raise/Lower Switch


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2. Depress and hold fold mode switch (A) while pushing on bottoms of fold/level switches (B), until booms are fully unfolded.

3. Release fold/level switches and fold mode switch.

4. Depress bottom of boom fold/level switches to extend level cylinders and level boom to horizontal position.

A-Mode Switch
B-Fold/Level Switches


Below Horizontal


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5. Depress raise/lower switch (A) to lower booms and position nozzles at desired spray height.

A-Raise/Lower Switch


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6. Use right-hand boom fold level switch (A) and left-hand boom fold level switch (B) to tilt booms to field contour.

A-Right-Hand Fold/Level Switch
B-Left-Hand Fold/Level Switch


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