O-Ring Boss Fitting Torque Chart

Straight Fitting

1. Inspect O-ring boss seat for dirt or defects.

2. Lubricate O-ring with petroleum jelly. Place electrical tape over threads to protect O-ring. Slide O-ring over tape and into O-ring groove of fitting. Remove tape.

3. Tighten fitting to torque value shown on chart.

Angle Fitting

1. Back-off lock nut (A) and back-up washer (B) completely to head-end (C) of fitting.

2. Turn fitting into threaded boss until back-up washer contacts face of boss.

3. Turn fitting head-end counterclockwise to proper index (maximum of one turn).

4. Hold fitting head-end with a wrench and tighten lock nut and back-up washer to proper torque value.

NOTE: Do not allow hoses to twist when tightening fittings.

Thread Size N·m (lb-ft)
3/8-24 UNF 8 (6)
7/16-20 UNF 12 (9)
1/2-20 UNF 16 (12)
9/16-18 UNF 24 (18)
3/4-16 UNF 46 (34)
7/8-14 UNF 62 (46)
1-1/16-12 UN 102 (75)
1-3/16-12 UN 122 (90)
1-5/16-12 UN 142 (105)
1-5/8-12 UN 190 (140)
1-7/8-12 UN 217 (160)


NOTE: Torque tolerance is ± 10%.


A-Lock Nut
B-Back-Up Washer
C-Fitting Head-End

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