Bleed Hydraulic System-Single Point Depth Control-3.6 m (12 ft) Main Frame

IMPORTANT: This bleed procedure is for 3.6 m (12 ft) main frame machines ONLY. For 4.5 (15 ft) main frame machines refer to BLEED HYDRAULIC DEPTH CONTROL SYSTEM-SINGLE POINT DEPTH CONTROL-4.5 M (15 FT) MAIN FRAME.

To run this procedure, it is suggested to use a tractor capable of running at 1800 rpm, 113 L/m (30 gpm), 20684 kPa (206 bar) (3000 psi).

If performing bleed procedure on machines running different than 1800 rpm, bleed rate times MUST be adjusted to a 113 Lpm (30 gpm) per minute rate. Example: If tractor is running at 57 Lpm (15 gpm), then double all bleed times.

NOTE: Both depth control and wing-fold circuits are bled in this procedure.

1. Verify 7-pin warning light harness is plugged into tractor.

2. Verify tractor is full of hydraulic oil.

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NOTE: Front end of turnbuckles MUST be removed and turnbuckles laid down before starting bleed procedure.

3. Loosen cap screws (A, B) on fore-aft link plates.

A-Cap Screws
B-Cap Screws


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IMPORTANT: When lowering fore-aft links to cylinder, BE SURE to set link on cylinder side WITHOUT any hydraulic hoses or hardware or damage to cylinder can occur.

4. Remove eyebolt lock (A), bushing and hardware (B) from between FRONT fore-aft plates (C). Lower fore-aft links (D) to machine so cylinder can be raised.

Repeat procedure for all fore-aft links.

IMPORTANT: Follow bleed procedure EXACTLY as shown. Once cylinders are bled, turnbuckles MUST be installed BEFORE completing bleed procedure.

Hydraulic reservoir MUST be filled prior to bleeding and kept FULL throughout entire bleed procedure.

5. BLEED DEPTH CONTROL CIRCUIT- Run tractor to 1800 rpm.

A-Eyebolt Lock
B-Bushing and Hardware
C-Fore-aft Plates
D-Fore-aft Link


Front Turnbuckle on Main Frame


Front Turnbuckle on Wings

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causym CAUTION: Insure cylinder (A) is tilted slightly rearward against nut (B) and secured with wire or chain. Failure to do this may result in the cylinder falling forward and causing serious injury to you or others.

NOTE: Left-hand main frame cylinder does not have eyebolt nut. Secure cylinder in upright position using chain or wire.

a. Secure cylinders (A) in upright position by leaning cylinders against eyebolt nut (B). Retain cylinders using wire or chain.

b. Repeat process for all depth control cylinders.

c. Extend depth control cylinder rods fully for 6 minutes.

NOTE: Cylinders will extend individually as oil passes through hydraulic system.

d. Retract depth control cylinder rods fully for 30 seconds.

NOTE: Cylinders may not all retract completely.

e. Extend depth control cylinder rods fully for 4 minutes.

NOTE: All cylinders should extend with some cylinders slower than others.

f. Retract depth control cylinder rods fully for 30 seconds.

g. Extend depth control cylinder rods fully for 2 minutes.

h. Retract depth control cylinder rods fully for 30 seconds.

NOTE: All cylinders should retract completely.




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IMPORTANT: It will be necessary to fill hydraulic reservoir before starting this procedure. Verify reservoir is FULL.

If an oil leak is found during bleed procedure, stop oil leak then restart procedure at previous step.

causym CAUTION: Wheel modules retract and extend during this wing-fold procedure and can cause serious injury to you or others. Stay away from all moving and pivoting parts during procedure.

NOTE: If proper responses are not observed during bleed procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting section in Operator's Manual.

Pull switch lever (A) on wing-fold valve, counterclockwise using wire (B) until an ACTIVATE CLICK is heard. Retain lever with wire.

NOTE: Outer left and right-hand side wing cylinders will extend completely including all fold cylinders.

a. Extend wing-fold cylinder rods fully for 4 minutes.

b. RELEASE switch and retract wing-fold cylinder rods fully for 1 minute.

NOTE: All wing-fold cylinders retract.

c. ACTIVATE and retain switch with wire. Extend wing-fold cylinder rods fully for 3 minutes.

NOTE: All wing-fold cylinders extend and both outer wing-lift cylinders will be extended.

d. RELEASE switch and retract wing-fold cylinder rods fully for 1 minute.

e. ACTIVATE and retain switch with wire. Extend wing-fold cylinder rods fully for 2 minutes.

f. RELEASE switch and retract wing-fold cylinder rods fully for 1 minute.


A-Switch, Move Counterclockwise

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7. BLEED DEPTH CONTROL AND WING-FOLD- Extend depth control cylinder rods fully for 4 minutes.

NOTE: All lift cylinders extend completely.

a. Retract depth control cylinder rods fully for 1 minute.

NOTE: All lift cylinders retract completely.

b. Extend depth control cylinder rods fully for 4 minutes.

c. Fully retract and partially extend depth control cylinders as required to attach rod ends to machine.

d. ACTIVATE and retain wing-fold switch with wire. Extend wing-fold cylinder rods as required to attach rod ends to machine.

IMPORTANT: Cylinder rods MUST be installed now to complete bleed procedure.

IMPORTANT: Cylinder rods MUST be installed now to complete bleed procedure.


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causym CAUTION: Wing-fold cylinders are heavy and can cause serious injury to you or others. When working on cylinders keep clear of parts that can drop. Use suitable lifting device to support cylinders while hardware is removed.

a. Properly support cylinder using hoist or other suitable lifting device.

b. Turn clevis (A) to specification (B).


Cylinder Fully Extended (B) -Length 1861 mm (73-1/4 in.)

c. Rotate clevis to place cap screw (C) on top.

d. Attach clevis to anchor plates (D) using 1-1/4 x 6 in. pin (E) and 5/16 x 1-3/4 in. roll pins.

D-Anchor Plates
E-Pin, 1-1/4 x 6 in.


Wing-Fold Cylinder


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B-Anchor Plate

C-Drill Pin, 1-1/4 x 5-3/4 in.


E-Flat Washer, 0.105 x 1.28 x 2 in.

causym CAUTION: Mechanical or hydraulic failure can allow wings to fall rapidly causing serious injury or death to you or others. ALWAYS stand clear of machine when wings are being folded or unfolded.

e. OUTER WING: Attach clevis (A) to anchor plate (B) using 1-1/4 x 5-3/4 in. drilled pin (C), roller

(D), 0.105 x 1.28 x 2 in. flat washer (E) on each side of roller and pin.

f. Insert 0.312 x 2 in. coil pins.

g. Repeat process on opposite wing.


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Machine in Folded Position


Wing-Fold Cylinder

A-Folding Cylinder
C-Cylinder Rod

IMPORTANT: Do not adjust folding cylinders (A) to exert excessive force on wings.

NOTE: Clevis should contact bushing firmly but NOT exert excessive force on bushing.

Rod end play is allowed.

To adjust fold cylinders (A) to proper length:

  • Loosen cap screw (B) several turns.
  • Adjust cylinder rod (C) with open-end wrench so clevis (D) contacts bushing (E) and removes gap (F).



Remove Gap (F)-Rod End Play Allowed

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Link Diagram

A-In-Line Installation
B-Offset Installation
C-Step Bushing

D-Hex Bushings
E-Machine Front

F-Centerline Dimension In Standard Spacing Diagram

G-Turnbuckle OUTSIDE for In-line Wheel Modules On 5-Section 4.5 m (15 ft) Main Frame ONLY

causym CAUTION: Fore-aft links are heavy and can cause serious injury to you or others. When working keep clear of parts that can drop. Use suitable lifting device to support fore-aft links while hardware is removed.

IMPORTANT: Turnbuckles MUST be installed now to complete bleed procedure.

Some 4.5 m (15 ft) main frames and all 3.6 m (12 ft) main frame wheel packages will be offset to (B). All other main frame wheel packages are in-line with one another.

For 3.6 m (12 ft) main frames ONLY: Front wheel package will be offset approximately 64 mm (2-1/2 in.) to outside of rear wheel package.

See Standard Spacing Diagram for wheel package positions and centerline dimensions (F).

On 5-section 4.5 m (15 ft) main frame machines, place turnbuckle to OUTSIDE (G) of machine when both front and rear wheel modules are IN-LINE. On machines using offset wheel modules, turnbuckles will be installed offset (B). (See Standard Spacing Diagram for correct wheel module location.)


    In-Line Installations (A):

  • Front and rear step bushings (C) are located on same side and apply to all main frame sizes except 3.6 m (12 ft) main frames.

  • Offset Installations (B):

    Front and rear step bushings are located on opposite sides and apply only to 3.6 m (12 ft) main frames.

  • ALL Installations:

    Fore-aft links are positioned with hex bushing (D) facing machine front.


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b. Loosen cap screws (A, B) on fore-aft link plates.

A-Cap Screws
B-Cap Screws


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IMPORTANT: Position ALL fore-aft links with hex bushing ends facing MACHINE FRONT.

NOTE: Side plate hardware must be loose before bushing can be installed.

c. Attach LEFT front link eye between fore-aft link plates (F) using step bushing (B) through eyebolt lock (A), 1/4 x 21/32 x 1-5/8 in. washers (E) against outside of fore-aft plates, 5/8 x 6 in. cap screw and lock nut.

IMPORTANT: Eyebolt MUST be flat against hex bushing to lock properly. DO NOT set eyebolt lock over or against grease fitting if equipped.

d. Align eyebolt lock FLUSH with hex bushing (C) on fore-aft link.

e. Attach eyebolt lock using 1/2 x 2-1/2 x 3.62 in. U-bolt, 5/16 x 0.53 x 1 in. spacers (D) and lock nuts.

f. Tighten hardware.

g. Repeat process for RIGHT fore-aft link.


Eyebolt Lock

A-Eyebolt Lock
B-Step Bushing
C-Hex Bushing
D-Spacer, 5/16 x 0.53 x 1 in. (2 Used)
E-Washer, 1/4 x 21/32 x 1-5/8 in. (2 Used)
F-Fore-aft Link Plate

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h. Attach LEFT rear link eye (A) according to link diagram using washer (B), cap screw (C), step bushing (D), washer (E), and lock nut (F). Tighten hardware.

NOTE: Only eyebolts with 51 mm (2 in.) ID are equipped with a grease fitting.

i. Install grease fitting (G) (if equipped) to step bushing.

A-Link Eye
B-Washer, 1/4 x 21/32 x 1-5/8 in.
C-Cap Screw, 5/8 x 6 in.
D-Step Bushing
E-Washer, 1/4 x 21/32 x 1-5/8 in.
F-Lock Nut
G-Grease Fitting (If Equipped)


3 m (10 ft) and 3.6 m (12 ft) Main Frame - Left REAR

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NOTE: Attach front (A) and rear (B) wing fore-aft link eyes to INSIDE of machine with step bushings to OUTSIDE.

j. Repeat process for each wing fore-aft link.



Left Wing Shown - Front View

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A-Main Frame Distance 3016 mm (118-3/4 in.)

B-Wing Frame Distance 3112 mm (122-1/2 in.)


causym CAUTION: DO NOT Adjust machine with UNEQUAL eyebolt lengths. Eyebolt could come out of fore-aft link, causing machine to drop and cause serious injury to you or others. Eyebolt length should be as equal as possible on both ends of the fore-aft link.

k. Distance between fore and aft link eyes need to be SET to following specification.


A-Main Frame Link Eyes -Distance 3016 mm (118-3/4 in.)
B-Wing Frame Link Eyes -Distance 3112 mm (122-1/2 in.)

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l. Tighten cap screws on fore-aft link plates to specification.


(A) 7/8 x 12 in. Grade F Cap Screws-Single Point Depth Control Cap Screws -Torque 813 N·m (600 lb-ft)
(B) 5/8 x 7-1/2 in. D Grade-Single Point Depth Control Cap Screws -Torque 230 N·m (170 lb-ft)

IMPORTANT: Finish bleed procedure COMPLETELY to ensure air is purged from system.

m. Finish Final Bleed Procedure.


causym CAUTION: When performing wing-fold operation keep yourself and others away from wings. Serious injury or death could occur if wings suddenly fall.

a. Extend depth control cylinders for 4 minutes.

NOTE: Machine should raise uniformly.

b. Fold and unfold wings.

NOTE: Machine should fold and stay in raised position.

c. Fold and unfold wings.


Single Point Depth Control Cap Screws

A-Cap Screws, 7/8 x 12 in. F Grade-Single Point Depth Control
B-Cap Screws, 5/8 x 7-1/2 in. D Grade-Single Point Depth Control

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d. Raise machine and rephase cylinders by pulling and holding SCV I tractor control lever (A) up for 4 minutes.

NOTE: Machine should raise uniformly.

e. Fold and unfold wings.

f. Fold and unfold wings.

A-SCV I Tractor Control Lever - Depth Control Cylinders


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g. Raise machine and rephase cylinders by pulling and holding SCV I tractor control lever (A) up for 4 minutes.


a. Lower machine so sweeps or harrow tines are 50 mm (2 in.) off ground.

b. Disconnect all hydraulic hoses from tractor.

c. Measure cylinder rod lengths, then wait one hour and recheck measurements.

  • If cylinder rod measurements are LESS than 6.3 mm (1/4 in.)-Machine OK.
  • If cylinder rod measurements are MORE than 6.3 mm (1/4 in.)-Repeat complete bleed procedure.

A-SCV I Tractor Control Lever - Depth Control Cylinders

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