Making Proper Hose Connections

causym CAUTION: Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate skin causing serious injury. Avoid hazard by relieving pressure before disconnecting hydraulic or other lines. Tighten all connections before applying pressure. Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard. Protect hands and body from high-pressure fluids.

If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any fluid injected in skin must be surgically removed within a few hours or gangrene may result. Doctors unfamiliar with this type of injury should reference a knowledgeable medical source. Such information is available from Deere & Company Medical Department in Moline, Illinois, U.S.A.

causym CAUTION: Hydraulic hoses can fail due to physical damage, kinks, age and exposure. Check hoses regularly. Replace damaged hoses.

IMPORTANT: All hydraulic couplers must be clear of debris, dust, and sand. Use protective caps on fluid openings until ready to make connection. Foreign material can damage hydraulic system.


OUO6050,0000497 -19-19AUG05-1/3


Legend Tie Band Type Color SCV Usage
A I Pressure Green Depth Pressure
B I Return Green Depth Return
C II Pressure Yellow Wing Fold Pressure
D II Return Yellow Wing Fold Return
E III Pressure Blue Rear Attachment or Disk Hydraulic Leveling or Gang Pressure
F III Return Blue Rear Attachment or Disk Hydraulic Leveling or Gang Return
G IV Pressure Red Disk-Rear Attachment or Narrow Transport Gang Pressure
H IV Return Red Disk-Rear Attachment or Narrow Transport Gang Return


OUO6050,0000497 -19-19AUG05-2/3

Depth control hydraulic hoses are marked with GREEN tie bands. Wing-fold hydraulic hoses are marked with YELLOW tie bands. Refer to specific color tie band for correct SCV outlet.

Identify correct color tie band either pressure or return and attach to correct SCV outlet.

A-SCV Tie Band


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