Checking And Adjusting Side-to-Side Level for Single Point Depth Control Machines

IMPORTANT: Check tires are inflated to correct pressure before leveling frame. Perform following procedure on a level surface.

1. Place machine on flat and level surface.

2. Unfold wings to field position, and raise machine.

3. From front of machine, view each wing of sweeps relative to ground.

4. Measure from bottom of main frame tube to ground. Repeat measurement on both wings to determine how much wings will need adjustment.

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NOTE: Use an assistant to raise and lower machine while wings are being adjusted.

causym CAUTION: DO NOT REMOVE REAR NUT (A) from eyebolt (C) or wings can fall causing serious injury or death to you or others. ALWAYS maintain at least 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) of threads on eyebolt.

5. Adjust rear nut (A) on eyebolt (C) then lower machine with wheels off ground and adjust front nut (B). Repeat procedure as needed to level wing with main frame.

  • Lengthening eyebolt lowers wing relative to main frame.
  • Shortening eyebolt raises wing relative to main frame.

6. Tighten nuts after adjustment.

7. Check and adjust other wing as needed.

8. Verify in field wings are level with main frame. Additional side-to-side leveling may be required.


A-Rear Nut
B-Front Nut

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