Transport Machine-Continued
ALL MACHINES-When transporting machine on a smooth surface road, do not exceed maximum transport speed of 32 km/h (20 mph). Reduce speed considerably when traveling over rough ground.
Reduce speed when turning. Do not uncouple tractor brake pedals and apply individually in an attempt to make a tighter turn.
Serious injury or death can result from contact with electric lines. Use care when moving or operating this machine near electric lines to avoid contact. Know transport height and width of machine. Check local regulations before transporting. (See Specifications section for transport height and width of machine.)
Transport with wings fully folded. Never raise or lower wings when moving. After folding, ALWAYS place wing-fold lever in neutral position for transport.
If wing-fold cylinders are removed, chain wings together to prevent injury or death caused by accidental falling of wings on you or others.
This machine is equipped with rephasing cylinders and will settle down immediately in manual mode of operation which can cause serious injury to you or others. The SCV MUST be set to continuous for the operator to insert cylinder transport locks. In manual mode, machines with transport locks are required or transport lock-up valve MUST BE IN CLOSED position when transporting.