Preparing For Storage

1. Clean and store machine on a hard surface in a dry place, if possible.

2. Lubricate depth control and stabilizer wheels. (See Lubrication section.)

3. Inspect for loose or damaged parts; replace and tighten as required.

4. Repaint as necessary to prevent rust.

5. Coat shovels with John Deere Soft Black Coating or grease or oil.

6. Apply grease to exposed area of hydraulic cylinder rod(s).

7. If machine is equipped with spray attachment, be sure all solution is drained from plastic nozzles. Freezing temperatures can cause nozzles to crack.

8. If wings are folded, verify transport cylinder locks are installed on ACCUDEPTH machines or transport lock-up valve for Single Point Depth Control machines is closed. Before disconnecting folding cylinder hydraulic hoses, relieve pressure by either positioning SCV lever in FLOAT position or turn tractor engine off and cycle lever back and forth three times.

9. Engage transport cylinder locks. Temporarily FLOAT SCV 1 to relieve depth control pressure and disconnect hoses from tractor.

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