Replacing Twisted Shovels

Center hole (A) can be used ONLY AFTER both ends of twisted shovel are substantially worn. DO NOT use before.

A-Center Hole


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IMPORTANT: Use Spacing Diagram to determine correct left or right twisted shovel to install on shank. Shovels curving LEFT at top point (C), from machine rear throw dirt LEFT. Shovels curving RIGHT at top point, throw dirt RIGHT.

Another way to identify shovels is look on back of shovel and find last part number digit. Even number equals a RIGHT THROW shovel, and odd number is a LEFT THROW shovel.

When replacing twisted shovels, make sure to use an equal number of right-hand and left-hand shovels, plus one in center.

1. Remove existing shovel hardware and flip shovels (A, B) around to use new point (C).

2. Verify Spacing Diagram, located in Operator's Manual for correct placement.

    Spacing Diagram

  • (A) Twisted Shovel LEFT ARROW Throws Dirt LEFT
  • (B) Twisted Shovel RIGHT ARROW Throws Dirt RIGHT

3. Reinstall existing hardware.

A-Left Twisted Shovel, DIRT THROWS LEFT
B-Right Twisted Shovel, DIRT THROWS RIGHT
C-New Point


Spacing Diagram-Twisted Shovel Direction

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