Adjusting Opener Down-Pressure-Tractors with Electro/Hydraulic Closed Center Systems


B-Pressure Gauge
E-Lock-Up Valve
F-Open Center Change Valve

IMPORTANT: Lock-up valve (E) must be open while operating and closed while servicing.

IMPORTANT: Adjust opener down-pressure, as required, to keep gauge wheels in firm contact with soil, but DO NOT use more down-pressure than necessary or damage to machine could result.

NOTE: Active hydraulic system requires a tractor with closed-center or pressure/flow compensated hydraulics.

NOTE: If machine is equipped with open center change valve (F), it must always be in OPEN position.

1. Refer to UNDERSTANDING ACTIVE HYDRAULIC OPENER DOWN-PRESSURE SYSTEM and determine initial pressure setting.

2. Open valve (E).

3. Push lever (D) forward until the detent click is felt. Time detent must be set to "continuous".

4. While watching pressure gauge (B), adjust down-pressure to desired setting by rotating knob (A). Once set, lock knob in position with wheel (C). If gauge needle does not move, see Troubleshooting section in this manual.

5. Make a trial pass in the field.


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6. If opener penetration is not satisfactory, adjust hydraulic pressure for more down-force. If gauge wheel contact is adequate but depth of penetration is not, see OPENER COMPONENTS AND ADJUSTMENTS and ADJUSTING GAUGE WHEEL AND SEEDING DEPTH in Preparing The Machine section.

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