Using Differential Lock

causym CAUTION: DO NOT operate tractor at high speed or attempt to turn with differential lock engaged.

IMPORTANT: To prevent damage to drive train, DO NOT engage differential lock when one wheel is spinning and the other is completely stopped.

When one wheel starts to lose traction, stop tractor and depress pedal (A) to engage differential lock. Tractor wheels must be stopped or turning at the same speed before engaging differential lock. If possible, engage differential lock before entering conditions where tires may slip.

Unequal traction will keep the lock engaged. When traction equalizes, lock will disengage itself by spring action. If lock does not disengage, depress one brake pedal and then the other.

If tires repeatedly slip, then get traction, then slip again, hold pedal down in the engaged position.


Straddle Mount and Hi-Crop


Cab and IOOS

A-Differential Lock Pedal

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