READ THIS OPERATOR'S GUIDE carefully to learn how to operate your machine correctly. Failure to do so could result in personal injury or equipment damage. This guide and safety signs on your machine may also be available in other languages. (See your John Deere dealer to order.)
THIS OPERATOR'S GUIDE SHOULD BE CONSIDERED a permanent part of your machine and should remain with the machine when you sell it.
MEASUREMENTS in this guide are given in both metric and customary U.S. unit equivalents. Use only correct replacement parts and fasteners. Metric and inch fasteners may require a specific metric or inch wrench.
RIGHT AND LEFT sides are determined by facing in the direction of forward travel.
WRITE PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS (P.I.N.) in the Identification Numbers section. Accurately record all the numbers to help in tracing the machine should it be stolen. Your dealer also needs these numbers when you order parts. File the identification numbers in a secure place off the machine.
WARRANTY is provided as part of John Deere's support program for customers who operate and maintain their equipment as described in this guide. The warranty is explained on the warranty certificate which you should have received from your dealer.
This warranty provides you the assurance that John Deere will back its products where defects appear within the warranty period. In some circumstances, John Deere also provides field improvements, often without charge to the customer, even if the product is out of warranty. Should the equipment be abused, or modified to change its performance beyond the original factory specifications, the warranty will become void and field improvements may be denied. Setting fuel delivery above specifications or otherwise overpowering machines will result in such action.
THE TIRE MANUFACTURER'S warranty supplied with your machine may not apply outside the U.S.
Supplemental Information
Additional information for your tractor is available on the Internet at