Installing Rear Cast Iron Weights

causym CAUTION: Optional cast iron weight weighs 43 kg (95 lb). Handle with care! Use appropriate equipment or have the job done by your John Deere dealer.

NOTE: DO NOT install rear wheel weights on a Hi-Crop tractor.

1. Remove wheel.

2. Attach weight (C) to wheel disks using four special round head bolts, washers and nuts (A). Tighten nuts to specifications.


Wheel Weight-to-Disk Nuts -Torque 215 N·m (159 lb-ft)

3. Install additional weights:

a. Insert four round head bolts (D) through slots (B) of first weight. Install bolts with square neck in slot (as shown).

b. Align mounting holes of second weight with round head bolts and install weight. Fasten with washers and nuts. Tighten nuts to specifications.


Wheel Weight-to-Weight Nuts -Torque 215 N·m (159 lb-ft)

4. Install wheel and tighten mounting hardware. (See Tighten Bolts-Rear Axle in Wheels, Tires and Treads section.)

5. Tighten wheel weights and mounting hardware again after a few hours service. Check regularly.


Single Wheel Weight Shown


Install Bolt in Slot (Additional Weight)

A-Nut, 5/8-11 (4 used)
B-Slot (4 locations)
C-Wheel Weight
D-Round Head Bolt (4 used)

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