Before Starting the Engine

causym CAUTION: Prevent asphyxiation by providing adequate ventilation. If operating indoors, use an exhaust pipe extension to remove the exhaust fumes or open doors and windows to thoroughly ventilate the area.

1. Check fuel gauge.


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2. Transmission Controls: Put gear shift lever (A) in NEUTRAL or PARK and range shift lever (B) in NEUTRAL.

PowrReverser Transmission: Put electro-hydraulic (EH) directional reverser lever (C) in NEUTRAL.

A-Gear Shift Lever
B-Range Shift Lever
C-EH Directional Reverser Lever


Straddle Mount and Hi-Crop


EH Directional Reverser Lever

PowrReverser is a trademark of Deere & Company.

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3. Disengage PTO:

  • Lever Operated: Pull PTO lever (A) back to disengage.
  • EH Switch Operated: Push PTO switch knob (B) down to disengage.

A-PTO Lever
B-PTO Switch


Straddle Mount and Hi-Crop


EH Switch

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4. Push hitch control lever (A) forward to lower equipment to the ground.

NOTE: If equipped with EH hitch controls, bottom half of raise/lower switch (B) can also be used to lower equipment to the ground. Switch will only operate when engine is running.

5. Turn key to RUN position and check to see if all indicator bulbs light. (If any indicator does not light, see your John Deere dealer.)

A-Hitch Control Lever
B-Raise/Lower Switch


Cab and IOOS Shown


EH Switch Control

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