Service and Operate Chemical Sprayers Safely

Chemicals used in agricultural sprayers can be harmful to your health or the environment if not used carefully.

Always follow all label directions for effective, safe, and legal use of agricultural chemicals.

Reduce risk of exposure and injury:

  • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment as recommended by the manufacturer. (See `Handle Agricultural Chemicals Safely' found in the Safety Section.)
  • Fill, flush, calibrate, and decontaminate sprayer in an area where runoff will not reach ponds, lakes or streams, livestock areas, or gardens, or near other people.
  • Keep children away from the chemicals, chemical solutions, and rinsates.
  • If spray or chemical concentrate contacts skin, hands, or face, wash immediately with soap and water.

    If spray or chemical concentrate gets into eyes, flush immediately with water.

  • If nozzle clogs or system malfunctions, stop engine and relieve spray pressure from system.
  • Do not place nozzle tips or other components to the mouth to clear obstructions. Keep spare tips on hand for replacement.
  • Minimize risk of spray drift.
    • Use large nozzle tips operated at lower pressures.
    • Do not operate solution delivery system at pressures exceeding 345kPa (3.5 bar) (50 psi).
    • Do not spray when winds exceed 16 km/h (10 mph).
    • Do not spray when wind is blowing towards a nearby sensitive crop, garden, or populated area.
  • Properly dispose of unused chemicals, flushing solution, and empty chemical containers.
  • Decontaminate equipment used in mixing, transferring, and applying chemicals after use.

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