Adjust PTO Clutch Operating Rod



A - PTO Clutch Lever

B - Clip Pin

C - Jam Nut

D - Arm

E - Clevis

F - Turnbuckle

G - Jam Nut

  1. Move PTO lever (A) to rearward (disengaged) position.

  2. Remove clip pin (B) from forward end of PTO clutch rod.

  3. Check for equal thread engagement at turnbuckle (F). Loosen jam nuts (C). Turn rod (D) until threads on each side of turnbuckle are equal.

  4. Loosen jam nut (C) from rear of front clevis (E).

  5. Adjust length of arm (D) so the clip pin (B) can be inserted with the rod pulled forward and the arm pulled rearward to eliminate freeplay. Lengthen rod by 1/2 turn of the clevis to provide a slight amount of lever freeplay.

  6. NOTE: Adjust turnbuckle (F) by loosening jam nut (G) if you cannot make proper adjustment with clevis.

    Reinstall clip pin (B) in clevis (E) and arm (D).

  7. Tighten jam nut (C) at clevis.
