Checking Automatic Engine Fan Belt Tensioner


A belt tensiometer does not provide exact belt tension measurement if an automatic spring tensioner is used. Measure belt tension at the tensioner spring using a torque wrench and the procedure described below:

  1. Release belt tension; to do so, couple a 1/2 inch lever to 1/2 inch square hole (C) and turn rocker arm counterclockwise.

  2. Remove belt and then release and remove 1/2 inch lever.

  3. Make a mark (A) on the swing arm.

  4. Measure 21 mm (0.83 in) to the left from mark (A) and make a mark (B) on tensioner mounting base.

  5. Couple a torque wrench to square hole (C) and turn the swing arm until marks (A) and (B) are aligned.

  6. Write down torque wrench measurement and compare with specification below.

    SpringTension24 to 28 N·m (17—21 lb.-ft.)

  7. Replace tensioner assembly if necessary. To do so, see (Replacing Automatic Engine Fan Belt Tensioner, in Section—Service As Required).
