Gauges and Indicators

Symptom Problem Solution

Fuel Gauge Does Not Move, No indicator Lights, Machine Will Not Crank

Start relay fuse.

Replace fuse.

Poor or loose red connector from relay.

Push red connector together under loader control lever.

Poor or loose ground connection.

Check ground screw under loader control lever.

Fuel Gauge Does Not Move, No Indicator Lights, But Machine Will Crank

Gauge fuse.

Replace fuse.

Poor or loose ground connection.

Check ground screw under loader control lever.

Machine Cranks But Will Not Start

Fuel shut off fuse.

Replace fuse.

Wire to injection.

Repair wire.

Ground solenoid.

Repair ground.

Injection pump.

Replace solenoid.

Engine Coolant Temperature Indicator Light Does Not Indicate Overheating or Bulb Does Not Light In BULB CHECK Position

Indicator light.

Turn key switch to BULB CHECK. If no light, replace bulb.

Wire or connector.

Ground yellow wire at sender. Indicator light must light. If not, replace wiring.


Replace sender.

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Symptom Problem Solution

Reverser Temperature Indicator Light Does Not Indicate Overheating or Bulb Does Not Light In BULB CHECK Position

Indicator light.

Turn key switch to BULB CHECK. If no light, replace bulb.

Wire or connector.

Ground yellow wire at sender. Indicator light must light. If not, replace wiring.


Replace sender.

Engine Oil Pressure Indicator Will Not Light

Gauge fuse.

Replace fuse.

Indicator light.

Turn key switch to BULB CHECK. If no light, replace bulb.

Wire, connector or sender.

Ground yellow wire at sender. Indicator must light. If not, repair wiring or replace sender.

Alternator Indicator Will Not Light

Gauge fuse.

Replace fuse.

Indicator light.

Turn key switch to BULB CHECK. If indicator does not light, replace bulb.

Wire or connector.

Ground yellow wire or alternator. Indicator light must light. If not, repair wiring. Replace alternator.

Monitor Lights Do Not Come On During BULB CHECK

Gauge fuse.

Replace fuse.

Indicator light.

Replace bulb.

Wire or connection.

See your authorized dealer.

Monitor module.

See your authorized dealer.

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Symptom Problem Solution

Fuel Gauge Shows Empty at All Times

Poor ground connections at gauge.

Remove dash panel and check gauge mounting hardware.

Poor power connection at gauge.

Remove dash panel and check gauge mounting hardware.

Hole in fuel sender float.

Look at float in tank to see if it is floating. Replace sender unit. Ground fuel sender. Gauge must indicate full. If it does not, the wiring is defective. Repair wiring.


Replace gauge.

Fuel Gauge Shows Full at All Times

Shorted sender or wire.

Remove wire at sender. If gauge still indicates full, locate and repair short between sender and gauge.

Sender float stuck.

Look in fuel tank. See if float is above fuel level. Repair or replace sender. Remove sender wire. If gauge still indicates full, replace gauge.

Horn Does Not Sound

Horn ground.

Ground horn to machine frame.

Horn fuse.

Check and replace.


Replace horn.

Horn button.

Replace horn button.

Wiring harness.

See your authorized dealer.

Windshield Wiper Does Not Operate

Wiper fuse.

Check and replace.

Loose or broken wire.

Inspect wiring for breaks or loose connections. Repair.

Wiper switch.

See your authorized dealer.

Wiper motor.

See your authorized dealer.

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Symptom Problem Solution

Heater Fan Does Not Operate

Heater fuse.

Check and replace.

Loose or broken wire.

Inspect wiring for breaks or loose connections. Repair. See your authorized dealer.

Heater switch.

See your authorized dealer.

Heater motor.

See your authorized dealer.

No Work or Driving Lights

Driving light fuse.

Check and replace.

Poor ground.

Inspect and tighten.

Light switch.

See your authorized dealer.

Burned out bulb.

Replace with new bulb.

Rear Lights Do Not Operate

Loose connector in wiring harness of ROPS.

Inspect and reconnect.

Poor ground at light.

Inspect and tighten.

Dim Lights

Low battery charge.

Check battery connections.

Low alternator output.

Check belt tension and adjust.

Poor ground at lights.

Clean and tighten.

Return-To-Dig Does Not Operate

Optional equipment fuse.

Replace fuse.

Boom switch out of adjustment.

Check cam to see if it activates switch. Adjust as required.


Inspect and repair wiring.

Solenoid on loader valve.

See your authorized dealer.

Clutch Disconnect Does Not Disengage.

Reverser fuse (if equipped).

Replace fuse.


Inspect and repair wire.


Replace solenoid.

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