
Before starting work, walk the site to uncover hazards and to plan the job.

To prevent cave-ins, dig a "V" shaped trench and place spoil piles at least 1 m (3 ft) away from trench. The deeper the trench, the further the spoil pile should be placed from it.


TX,35,DH1581 -19-26SEP91-1/3

If you have to clean up a cave-in and cannot reach it from machine's present position, DO NOT back over the trench. Drive the machine beside the trench to the cave-in. Park the machine at a 90° angle to trench; clean cave-in from the side of the trench.


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For straight line trenching, drive two stakes in at the beginning of the trench. Drive the first stake in immediately behind the starting point and the second stake approximately 9 m (30 ft) (A) behind the first.

Use the stakes as a sight gauge. They are especially helpful if the machine is moved often.


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