Check and Adjust Belt Tension (S.N. -872256)

1. Remove left engine shield.

2. Loosen mounting cap screws.

3. Loosen adjusting strap cap screw and adjust belt tension to specifications.

Without Air Conditioning - Specification

Strand Tension (New) -Force 445 N (100 lb)
Strand Tension (Used) -Force 311 N (70 lb)

Without Air ConditioningWith Air Conditioning - Specification

Strand Tension (New) -Force 623-800 N (140-180 lb)
Strand Tension (Used) -Force 365-512 N (80-115 lb)

4. Tighten adjusting strap and mounting cap screws.


A-Charge Pump Drive Belt
B-Belt Tension Gauge

TX,55,BG718 -19-15FEB97-1/1