Clean, Pack, and Adjust Steer Wheel Bearings
Raise machine so steer wheels are off the ground. Remove hub cap (J). Pull cotter pin (I) from spindle. Remove slotted nut (K).
Slip off special washer (L) and outer bearing cone (H). Remove wheel and hub assembly. Then remove seal (A) and inner bearing cone (C) from hub (E).
Clean all dirt and grease from bearings, bushing (B), spindles, and hub assemblies.
Inspect bearing cups (D and G), and cones for damage or excessive wear. If any part of a bearing is damaged, install a new bearing.
If a new bearing cup must be installed, drive out the old one. Install a new cup with the cupped face outward.
Inspect grease seals for damage or hardened lips. Install new seals if necessary.
Pack bearings with John Deere Multi-Purpose Grease or equivalent. Also coat the seal lips with this lubricant.
Install seal (A), bushing (B), and inner bearing cup (G). Fill the gap between the inner bearing cup and seal with grease. Assemble balance of parts except the cotter pin and hub cap. Tighten slotted nut to 47 N·m (35 lb-ft).
Slotted Nut
47 N·m (35 lb-ft)
Turn wheel several revolutions. Tighten nut again to 47 N·m (35 lb-ft). Turn nut counterclockwise to the nearest slot. Install cotter pin. If hole of spindle is in line with a slot after tightening, turn nut counterclockwise to next slot.
Remove pipe plug (F) from wheel hub and install grease fitting. Lubricate wheel hub assembly with grease until grease starts to exit past the outer bearing cone (H). Remove grease fitting and install pipe plug.