D-Engine Coolant Temperature Indicator:
Engine coolant temperature and STOP indicators will light and alarm will sound when engine coolant is above 115°C (240°F). Do not stop engine when indicators light together or temperature will rise further. Reduce load and run engine at slow idle. If indicator does not go out after one to two minutes, stop engine and allow to cool before servicing.
E-Engine Oil Pressure Indicator:
Prevent possible engine damage. If engine oil pressure indicator light comes on while operating, stop machine. STOP ENGINE IMMEDIATELY.
When engine oil pressure is low, indicator will light, STOP indicator will flash and alarm will sound. Stop machine. STOP ENGINE IMMEDIATELY.
F-Transmission Oil Temperature Indicator:
Transmission oil temperature indicator will light when transmission oil temperature is high. Reduce load immediately, shift into neutral and run engine at slow idle. Inspect for plugged oil cooler.
G-Hydraulic Oil Filter Restriction Indicator:
If hydraulic oil filter restriction indicator lights and hydraulic oil is warm, change filter as soon as possible to prevent damage.
Indicator will light when hydraulic oil filter element is restricted.
Cold oil can cause indicator to light temporarily. Allow time for oil to warm up and indicator to go out before servicing filter.
H-Engine Alternator Voltage Indicator:
Indicator will light when alternator output voltage drops below 12 volt. Check electrical system or recharge battery, if necessary.
I-Engine Air Filter Restriction Indicator:
Indicator will light when air filter elements are restricted. Clean or change filter elements.