Electrical System

Symptom Problem Solution

Starting Motor Will Not Turn

Start fuse

Check and replace if necessary.


Be sure transmission control lever (TCL) is in neutral. Listen for "click" from starter solenoid. If "click" is heard, the starter control circuit is functioning. If "click" is not heard, repair starter. See your authorized dealer.

Start relay

With the machine in neutral and clutch disconnect switch depressed, remove left-hand engine side shield and listen for "click" from starter relay when the key switch is moved to START position. If "click" is heard, the key switch, circuit breaker, start fuse, connectors, and neutral start switch are functioning and the starter relay, relay ground, or starter is worn. See your authorized dealer.

Starter Solenoid Chatters

Poor or corroded connections at battery, battery ground strap, or starter

Inspect, clean, and tighten if necessary.

Engine Cranks Slowly

Loose or corroded battery cables

Inspect and clean or tighten.

Loose battery ground cable

Remove battery cover and inspect and tighten battery ground cable.

Excessive power train load

Depress clutch disconnect switch.

Excessive engine load

Change engine oil to proper grade for temperature.

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Symptom Problem Solution

Starting Motor Continues to Run

Starter solenoid stuck

Lightly tap on case of starter solenoid.

Starter not disengaging

Lightly tap on starter case to determine if starter "shift" lever is stuck.

Starter relay stuck on

Lightly tap on starter relay to determine if relay is stuck.

Battery Uses Too Much Water

Cracked battery case

Replace battery.

High ambient temperature

Refill with distilled water.

Battery cell

Check if one or more cells take more water than others.

Cracked Battery Case

No battery hold-down clamp

Replace battery and install hold-down clamp.

Loose battery hold-down clamp

Replace battery and install hold-down clamp.

Battery hold-down clamp too tight

Replace battery and install battery hold-down clamp properly.

Frozen battery

Keep battery fully charged in cold weather.

Low Battery Output

Low water level

Add water.

Dirty or wet battery top causing discharge

Clean and wipe battery top dry.

Corroded or loose battery cables

Clean and tighten battery cables.

Broken battery post

Wiggle battery post by hand. If post wiggles or turns, replace battery.

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Symptom Problem Solution

Charging Indicator Light Remains On with Engine Running

Loose or glazed alternator belt

Check belt. Replace if glazed.

Engine rpm low

Raise engine rpm above 1000 rpm. If light remains on, see your authorized dealer.

Loose or corroded electrical connections on battery, ground strap, starter, or alternator

Inspect. Clean, or tighten electrical connections.

Monitor/gauge fuse

Turn key switch to BULB CHECK position. If no lights, replace fuse.

Alternator Light Out but Low Charging System Voltage

Indicator light bulb

Inspect and replace if necessary.

Loose wiring connector

Inspect and repair.

Noisy Alternator

Worn bearings in alternator

Remove belt and feel for rough bearing while turning alternator pulley.

Drive belt

Inspect and replace if necessary.

Pulley not aligned


Loose alternator belt or mounting

Inspect and replace if necessary.

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