Changing Loader Buckets

causym CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from falling hardware. Bucket cylinder and links will fall forward if bucket is in dig position when pins are removed. Remove pins only when bucket is on ground in full dump position.

1. Place bucket in dump position on hard, level surface.

2. Remove pin (A) and pivot links (B) to rear against cross tube (C).

3. Remove pin (D) and carefully lay cylinder (E) on cross tube.

causym CAUTION: Bucket is heavy and can cause injury if not moved properly. Use adequate lifting device to move bucket.

4. Remove pins (F) and bucket.

5. Position new bucket in dump position where previously removed bucket was. Install pins (F).

6. Connect bucket links and cylinder using previously removed pins (A and D) and retaining hardware.


B-Pivot Links (2 used)
C-Cross Tube
F-Pins (2 used)

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