Change Rear Axle Oil (S.N. -888003)

NOTE: Dispose of waste oil properly.

1. Remove plug (A) and drain oil into a container. Install plug.


Rear Axle Oil -Capacity (S.N. -851673) 13 L Approximate 14 qt Approximate
Capacity (S.N. 851674-888003) 16 L Approximate 17 qt Approximate

2. Remove plug (B) and fill with oil to bottom of filler hole. See Transmission, Hydraulic, Axles, and Mechanical Front Wheel Drive Oil. (Section 3-1.)

NOTE: Read decal next to fill hole for correct oil fill quantity.

It will take approximately 5 minutes for oil to settle into outer housing when oil is warm.

3. Wait 5-10 minutes for oil to settle, recheck level and add as necessary. If oil is cold, settle time may increase.

4. Install plug.

A-Rear Axle Drain Plug
B-Rear Axle Filler Plug


(S.N. -851673) Shown


(S.N. 851674-888003) Shown

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