Check Wheel Fasteners (S.N 888004-)

NOTE: Tighten wheel cap screws after first 50-100 hours of loaded operation after replacing or installing a new wheel. After that, tighten as required.

Tighten wheel cap screws and fasteners.

Item Measurement Specification

Standard Front Axle Cap Screw

Torque 136 ± 20 N·m
100 ± 14 lb-ft

MFWD Front Axle Cap Screw

Torque 725 ± 72 N·m
535 ± 53 lb-ft

Rear Axle Cap Screw

Torque 725 ± 72 N·m
535 ± 53 lb-ft

VD76477,0001457 -19-22FEB07-1/1