Operating Three-Point Hitch

NOTE: Some machines may be equipped with two auxilliary mounted equipment levers (G).

Use control levers to raise, lower and adjust the pitch and tilt of rear mounted equipment.

A-Lift Cylinder-Raise Rockshaft
B-Lift Cylinder-Lower Rockshaft and Float Position
C-Pitch Cylinder-Raise Cutting Edge
D-Pitch Cylinder-Lower Cutting Edge
E-Tilt Cylinder-Lower Right Side of Box Scraper
F-Tilt Cylinder-Raise Right Side of Box Scraper
G-Auxiliary Mounted Equipment
H-Float Position Lever
J-Auxiliary Mounted Equipment


(S.N. -882699) Shown


(S.N. 888004--) Shown

VD76477,000145A -19-22FEB07-1/2


(S.N. -880053) Shown


(S.N. 880054-888003) Shown


(S.N. 888004--)

Move lever (H) all the way forward into detent for "float" position. In float position, three-point hitch equipment can move freely up and down to follow ground contour.

VD76477,000145A -19-22FEB07-2/2