Light Duty Diesel Engine Coolant (for diesel engines without wet sleeve cylinder liners)

The engine cooling system is filled to provide year-round protection against corrosion and cylinder liner pitting, and winter freeze protection to -37°C (-34°F). If protection at lower temperatures is required, consult your John Deere dealer for recommendations.

IMPORTANT: The following engine coolants are preferred:

  • John Deere COOL-GARD ™ II Premix

  • John Deere COOL-GARD Premix

  • John Deere COOL-GARD PG Premix

John Deere COOL-GARD II Premix and John Deere COOL-GARD Premix are available in a concentration of 50% ethylene glycol.

John Deere COOL-GARD PG Premix is available in a concentration of 55% propylene glycol.

Additional Recommended Coolants

The following engine coolants are also recommended:

  • John Deere COOL-GARD II Concentrate in a 40% to 60% mixture of concentrate with quality water
  • John Deere COOL-GARD Concentrate in a 40% to 60% mixture of concentrate with quality water
Other Coolants

Other ethylene glycol or propylene glycol base coolants may be used if they meet one of the following specifications:

  • ASTM D3306 prediluted (50%) coolant
  • ASTM D3306 coolant concentrate in a 40% to 60% mixture of concentrate with quality water

If these coolants are unavailable, use an engine coolant concentrate or prediluted coolant with a minimum of the following chemical and physical properties:

  • Is formulated with a quality nitrite-free additive package
  • Protects the cooling system metals (cast iron, aluminum alloys, and copper alloys such as brass) from corrosion

The coolant concentrate or prediluted coolant shall be of a quality that is suitable for all-aluminum engines.

Water Quality

Water quality is important to the performance of the cooling system. Distilled, deionized, or demineralized water is recommended for mixing with ethylene glycol base engine coolant concentrate.

Coolant Drain Intervals

Drain and flush the cooling system and refill with fresh coolant at the indicated interval, which varies with the coolant used.

When John Deere COOL-GARD II is used, the drain interval is 6 years or 6000 hours of operation.

When John Deere COOL-GARD is used, the drain interval is 5 years or 5000 hours of operation.

When John Deere COOL-GARD PG is used, the drain interval is 5 years or 5000 hours of operation.

If a coolant other than COOL-GARD II, COOL-GARD, or COOL-GARD PG is used, reduce the drain interval to 2 years or 2000 hours of operation.

COOL-GARD is a trademark of Deere & Company

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IMPORTANT: Do not use cooling system sealing additives or antifreeze that contains sealing additives.

Do not mix ethylene glycol and propylene glycol base coolants.

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