Lubricity of Diesel Fuel

Most diesel fuels manufactured in the United States, Canada, and the European Union have adequate lubricity to ensure proper operation and durability of fuel injection system components. However, diesel fuels manufactured in some areas of the world may lack the necessary lubricity.

IMPORTANT: Make sure the diesel fuel used in your machine demonstrates good lubricity characteristics.

Fuel lubricity should pass a maximum scar diameter of 0.45 mm as measured by ASTM D6079 or ISO 12156-1.

If fuel of low or unknown lubricity is used, add John Deere PREMIUM DIESEL FUEL CONDITIONER (or equivalent) at the specified concentration.

Lubricity of Biodiesel Fuel

Significant improvement in lubricity can occur with biodiesel blends up to B20. The gain in lubricity above a 20% blend is limited.

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