Change Hydraulic Tank Oil

1. Park machine.

2. Open rear service door and engine cover, and remove right side panel.

3. Remove hydraulic tank filler cap.

4. Position a suitable container under hydraulic drain plug (1).

5. Remove drain plug, and drain oil.

6. Dispose of waste oil properly.

7. Install drain plug.

8. Fill hydraulic oil tank. See Maintenance-Machine. (Section 3-1.)


Hydraulic Tank Oil -Capacity 19.0 L 5.0 gal

9. Check hydraulic tank oil level.

10. Inspect drain plug for leakage.

11. Install hydraulic tank filler cap.

12. Install side panel, and close engine cover and rear service door.


1-Hydraulic Drain Plug

MD04263,0000066 -19-02DEC08-1/1