Auto Shutdown With Alarm

  • Engine coolant temperature gauge will indicate full hot, the alarm will sound, STOP indicator will flash, and the Engagement and Monitor Unit will shut the engine down after 5 seconds when engine coolant temperature is too high. The engine can be restarted and will run for 30 seconds before it will shut down again.
  • Oil pressure indicator will light, the alarm will sound, STOP indicator will flash, and the Engagement and Monitor Unit will shut the engine down after 5
    seconds when engine oil pressure is too low. The engine can be restarted and will run for 30 seconds before it will shut down again.
  • Hydraulic oil temperature indicator will light, the alarm will sound, STOP indicator will flash, and the Engagement and Monitor Unit will shut the engine down after 5 minutes when hydraulic oil temperature is too high. The engine can be restarted and will run for 30 seconds before it will shut down again.

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