Operating Safely

  • Read, understand and follow all instructions in the operator’s manual, on the machine and on the safety video before starting.
  • Do not misuse the utility vehicle. It is a utility vehicle, not a recreation vehicle.
  • The utility vehicle’s tires are designed for off-road use only. Paved surfaces may seriously affect handling and control of the vehicle. If you must operate on a paved surface, travel slowly and do not make sudden turns or stops.
  • Do not operate this vehicle on a frozen body of water. The vehicle could break through the ice, causing injury or even death.
  • Go slowly and be extra careful when riding on snow-covered or ice-covered terrain.
  • Slow down and be careful of traffic when operating near or crossing roadways. Use care when approaching blind corners, shrubs, trees, or other objects that may obscure vision.
  • The operator should always make sure that the passenger is aware of correct safety procedures while riding in the utility vehicle.
  • Use the correct flags, lights, signs and reflectors on the vehicle to warn other drivers when operating near roadways. Make sure these features are clean and visible for 500 feet (152 m).
  • The passenger should always use the hand holds.
  • To avoid serious injury, always ensure that occupants have safely secured their seat belts prior to starting this vehicle.
  • Horseplay or recreational riding can lead to accidents, severe bodily injury or death. Do not attempt stunts, jumps, or quick acceleration to raise front wheels off the ground. These actions can result in accidents or vehicle overturns.
  • Sit on the center of the seat and keep both feet within the foot platform perimeter. Clean foot platform if dirty, and remove any debris from around foot controls.
  • Check for debris in engine compartment, especially around brake linkage on each side of the transaxle.
  • Always use both hands for steering.
  • Know location of controls and how and what they operate.
  • Never operate utility vehicle while standing.
  • Never operate utility vehicle with the cargo box raised.
  • Check brake action before beginning vehicle operation. Adjust or service the brakes as necessary.
  • To provide adequate braking ability and traction, do not tow any attachment or loaded trailer unless the cargo box is fully loaded.
  • Before shifting into reverse, always check for obstacles or people behind the machine.
  • Always back slowly.
  • Inspect vehicle before operating. Be sure hardware is tight. Repair or replace damaged, badly worn, or missing parts. Be sure guards and shields are in good condition and fastened in place. Make any necessary adjustments before operating.
  • Do not leave vehicle unattended when it is running.
  • Operate during daylight or with good artificial light and if you drive at night, use the lights.
  • Do not operate vehicle if under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
  • Avoid sudden starts, stops, or turns.
  • Always use a level turn-around area.
  • Do not wear radio or music headphones. Safe service and operation require your full attention.
