Blink Code Function (Gas Model Only)
The emissions control system utilizes the Malfunction Indicator
Lamp (MIL) to warn the operator or technician of a possible issue
with the engine or emissions control system. The system will keep
the MIL illuminated for the entire key cycle in which the Diagnostic
Trouble Code (DTC) was set. It will keep the MIL illuminated for three
additional engine run cycles under the following two circumstances:
The fault caused the engine to shut down.
The fault is related to the exhaust gas oxygen (EGO) sensors.
This function is called MIL persistence.
In the event the DTC is related to either an engine shutdown
fault or an oxygen sensor fault the following statement applies: If
the vehicle is not serviced by a technician and the condition causing
the MIL illumination no longer exists, the MIL will remain illuminated
for the 3 additional start cycles. The MIL will go out on the 4th
start cycle if the condition does not reoccur.
In the event the DTC is not related to an engine shut down or
an oxygen sensor fault and the condition causing the MIL illumination
no longer exists, the MIL will go out at the next run cycle.
A run cycle is when the engine speed is above the "run speed"
set point for 1.5 seconds or longer. The "run speed" is the transition
point when the ECM recognizes the engine is going from the cranking
parameters to the engine running parameters. The run speed is typically
set at 450 rpm.
DTC codes may be retrieved using the blink code function. Entering
the blink code function can be done using the Diagnostic Plug supplied
with your ProGator or a jumper wire.