


Engine Will Not Crank

PTO indicator light lit - disengage hydraulic PTO lever.

Defective fuse.

Gearshift lever is in neutral position.

Loose or corroded battery connections.

Loose or corroded electrical connections.

Low battery output.

Sulfated or worn out battery.

Starter faulty.

Gas Models: Go to Blink Code Function Section.

Engine Will Not Start

Stale fuel/improper fuel/low fuel level.

Fuel is dirty - replace fuel filter, clean fuel pick up, drain and clean fuel tank, refill tank with clean fresh fuel.

Defective fuse.

Loose or corroded electrical connections.

Starter faulty.

Air cleaner filter element(s) plugged.

Diesel Models: Fuel shut-off valve closed.

Diesel Models: Air in system.

Gas Models: Spark plug wire(s) loose or disconnected.

Gas Models: Check spark plug gap.

Gas Models: Go to Blink Code Function Section.

Valves not seating correctly - adjust valves. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer)

Dirty or faulty fuel injectors. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer)

Engine Hard To Start

Stale fuel/improper fuel/low fuel level.

Fuel is dirty - replace fuel filter, clean fuel pickup, drain and clean fuel tank, refill tank with clean fresh fuel.

Air cleaner filter element(s) plugged.

Loose or corroded electrical connections.

Diesel Models: Check fuel filter sediment bowl.

Diesel Models: Air in system.

Gas Models: Spark plug wire(s) loose or disconnected.

Gas Models: Check/replace failing spark plug.

Gas Models: Check spark plug gap.

Valves not seating correctly - adjust valves. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer)

Dirty or faulty fuel injectors. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer)

Engine Misses Under Load

Stale fuel/improper fuel/low fuel level.

Fuel is dirty - replace fuel filter, clean fuel pick up, drain and clean fuel tank, refill tank with clean fresh fuel.

Air cleaner filter element(s) plugged.

Diesel models: Fuel shut-off valve partially closed.

Diesel Models: Air in system.

Operating at too fast ground speed for conditions.

Engine overload - reduce load.

Gas Models: Spark plug wire(s) loose or disconnected.

Gas Models: Check/replace failing spark plug.

Gas Models: Check spark plug gap.

Gas Models: Go to Blink Code Function section.

Valves not seating correctly - adjust valves. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer)

Dirty or faulty fuel injectors. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer)

Engine Overheats

Air cleaner element plugged - replace filter element.

Clean radiator air intake screen, fan shroud and cooling fins.

Clean oil cooler coils (optional).

Check engine oil level - add oil.

Low coolant level.

Cooling system needs changing/flushing.

Defective radiator cap.

Fan fuse blown.

Defective fan switch relay.

Defective thermostat.

Loose or defective alternator belt.

Engine overload - reduce load.

Gas Models: Go to Blink Code Function section.

Valves not seating correctly - adjust valves. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer.)

Dirty or faulty fuel injectors. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer)

Engine Will Not Slow Idle

Stale fuel/improper fuel/low fuel level.

Fuel is dirty - replace fuel filter, clean fuel pick up, drain and clean fuel tank, refill tank with clean fresh fuel.

Air cleaner filter element(s) plugged.

Diesel Models: Fuel shut-off valve partially closed.

Diesel Models: Air in system.

Gas Models: Spark plug wire(s) loose or disconnected.

Gas Models: Check/replace failing spark plug.

Gas Modesl: Check spark plug gap.

Gas Models: Go to Blink Code Function section.

Valves not seating correctly - adjust valves. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer)

Dirty or faulty fuel injectors. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer)

Engine Backfires

Stale fuel/improper fuel/low fuel level.

Fuel is dirty - replace fuel filter, clean fuel pick up, drain and clean fuel tank, refill tank with clean fresh fuel.

Air cleaner filter element(s) plugged.

Operating at too fast ground speed for conditions.

Diesel Models: Air in system.

Gas Models: Spark plug wire(s) loose or disconnected.

Gas Models: Check/replace failing spark plug.

Gas Models: Check spark plug gap.

Gas Models: Go to Blink Code Function section.

Valves not seating correctly - adjust valves. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer)

Dirty or faulty fuel injectors. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer)

Engine Vapor Locks

Replace fuel filter.

Replace carbon canister.

Check fuel lines.

Engine Runs Rough

Stale fuel/improper fuel/low fuel level.

Fuel is dirty - replace fuel filter, clean fuel pick up, drain and clean fuel tank, refill tank with clean fresh fuel.

Air cleaner filter element(s) plugged.

Too much oil in engine - drain to correct level.

Operating at too fast ground speed for conditions.

Engine overload - reduce load.

Engine overheating - clean radiator screen, fan shroud, cooling fins and oil cooler coils (optional).

Diesel Models: Fuel shut-off valve partially closed.

Diesel Models: Air in system.

Gas Models: Spark plug wire(s) loose or disconnected.

Gas Models: Check/replace failing spark plug.

Gas Models: Check spark plug gap.

Gas Models: Go to Blink Code Function section.

Valves not seating correctly - adjust valves. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer)

Dirty or faulty fuel injectors. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer)

Engine Knocks

Stale fuel/improper fuel.

Engine oil level low.

Engine overload - reduce load.

Diesel Models: Injection pump out of time. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer)

Gas Models: Go to Blink Code Function section.

Low Oil Pressure

Engine oil level low.

Excessive bearing or oil pump wear.

Plugged oil filter.

Improper type of oil.

Oil leaks.

Engine Uses Too Much Oil

Improper type of oil.

Excessive ring or cylinder wear.

Low engine temperature.

Defective thermostat. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer)

Gas Models: Go to Blink Code Function section.

Diesel Models: Injection pump out of time. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer)

Engine Emits Black Or Gray Exhaust Smoke

Stale fuel/Improper fuel.

Plugged air intake system.

Engine overload - reduce load.

Dirty or faulty fuel injectors. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer)

Gas Models: Go to Blink Code Function section.

Engine Emits White Exhaust Smoke

Stale fuel/improper fuel.

Low engine temperature.

Head gasket leakage.

Diesel Models: Low Cetane fuel.

Gas Models: Go to Blink Code Function section.
