Stale fuel/improper fuel/low fuel level.
Fuel is dirty - replace fuel filter, clean fuel pick up, drain
and clean fuel tank, refill tank with clean fresh fuel.
Air cleaner filter element(s) plugged.
Too much oil in engine - drain to correct level.
Operating at too fast ground speed for conditions.
Engine overload - reduce load.
Engine overheating - clean radiator screen, fan shroud, cooling
fins and oil cooler coils (optional).
Diesel Models: Fuel shut-off valve partially closed.
Diesel Models: Air in system.
Gas Models: Spark plug wire(s) loose or disconnected.
Gas Models: Check/replace failing spark plug.
Gas Models: Check spark plug gap.
Gas Models: Go to Blink Code Function section.
Valves not seating correctly - adjust valves. (See your technical
manual or your John Deere dealer)
Dirty or faulty fuel injectors. (See your technical manual or
your John Deere dealer)