Electrical System



Starter Does Not Work Or Will Not Turn Engine

Clean and tighten all electrical connections.

Put gearshift lever in “neutral” position.

Defective fuse. Both at starter and in fuse center.

Low battery output - check electrolyte level.

Charge/replace battery.

Battery cables loose or corroded - clean and tighten battery cables.

Failed key switch, starter motor or safety interlock switches. (See your technical manual or your John Deere dealer.)

Starter Turns Slowly

Low battery output - check electrolyte level.

Low battery power - charge battery.

Engine oil viscosity too heavy.

Battery cables loose or corroded - clean and tighten battery cables.

Battery Low Voltage Indicator Remains On With Engine Running

Low engine speed.

Defective battery

Defective alternator. Loose connections or corroded connectors.

Loose or defective alternator belt.

Battery Will Not Charge

Battery cables/connection loose or corroded - clean and tighten battery cables and alternator connections.

Defective battery - check electrolyte level.

Dead battery cell.

Loose or defective alternator belt.

Defective alternator.

Lights Do Not Work

Defective fuse.

Loose or defective bulb.

Loose switch connection.
