Gasoline Engine Oil

Oil Viscosities for Air Temperature Ranges
Use oil viscosity based on the expected air temperature range
during the period between oil changes.
Using single viscosity grade oils such as SAE 30 or SAE 40 can
reduce oil consumption in air cooled engines.
John Deere Turf-Gard™ is preferred.
The following John Deere oils are preferred:
John Deere Plus-4™
John Deere Plus-50™ II
Other oils may be used if above John Deere oils are not available,
provided they meet the following specification:
API Service Category SN
API Service Category SM
API Service Category SL
API Service Category SJ
ACEA Oil Sequence A5
ACEA Oil Sequence A3
ACEA Oil Sequence A1
ACEA Oil Sequence C4
ACEA Oil Sequence C3
ACEA Oil Sequence C2
ACEA Oil Sequence C1
Turf-Gard is a trademark of Deere & Company
Plus-4 is a trademark of Deere & Company
Plus-50 is a trademark of Deere & Company