Adjusting Cutting Height/Tailwheel Position

1. Position machine on flat level ground.

2. Raise cutter.

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causym CAUTION: Be sure to support cutter frame at all four corner locations with safety shop stands to prevent accidental lowering. Do not position safety stands under axle or wheel supports because these components can rotate.

3. Place safety shop stands under cutter.

4. Lower cutter onto stands.


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5. Wrap a lifting strap around axle support tube and attach to a hoist.


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A-Cap Screw and Lock Nut

B-Cap Screw and Lock Nut

C-Cap Screw and Lock Nut (2 used)


6. Loosen lock nut and cap screw (B).

7. Loosen two cap screws and lock nuts (C).

8. Remove lock nut and cap screw (A).

9. Raise or lower axle support tube to desired cutting height position.

10. Re-install cap screw and lock nut (A). Tighten all lock nuts.

NOTE: MX7; Repeat steps (5-10) on second tailwheel (if equipped).

11. Raise cutter and remove safety stands.

12. Using rock shaft control lever, lower cutter until skid shoe is parallel to ground and rear wheel makes contact with ground.

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13. Adjust depth stop (A). (See your tractor Operator's Manual.)

A-Depth Stop


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NOTE: The tailwheel supports the rear of the machine and the draft links support the front to allow the cutter to follow the ground contour.

14. Adjust center link to take all slack out of connection.


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IMPORTANT: Loosening the center link may allow the driveline to contact the cutter frame or tractor tires to contact the chain shield. Raise the cutter slowly and check for interference. Lengthen tractor lift links to provide clearance to full height.

NOTE: Lift height may also be limited by installing stops on rockshaft control lever bracket.

15. Lengthen center link so distance (A) is according to specifications, allowing links (B) to swing free. This allows the rear of cutter to float over obstructions.


Center Link -Distance 12 mm (1/2 in.)



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