IntroductionTHANK YOU for purchasing a John Deere product. Safety SignsControlsOperating MachineReplacement PartsService Machine SafelyService Interval ChartService EngineService TransmissionService-Brakes and Drive WheelsService MowerService ElectricalService MiscellaneousTroubleshootingStoring MachineAssemblySpecificationsWarrantyJohn Deere Service LiteratureQuality Doesn't End When You Invest In A Deere
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IntroductionTHANK YOU for purchasing a John Deere product.Read this manual and your attachment manuals thoroughly. Failure to do so could result in personal injury or equipment damage. CALIFORNIA Proposition 65 Warning
This manual should be considered a permanent part of your machine and should remain with the machine when you sell it. Measurements in this manual are metric units and their U.S. customary equivalents. RIGHT-HAND and LEFT-HAND sides are determined by facing in the direction the machine will travel when going forward. When you see a broken line arrow (----->), it indicates the part it is pointing to is hidden. Record identification numbers below. Be sure to record all the numbers to help in tracing the machine if it is stolen. You also need to give these numbers to your dealer when you order parts. |